Nagpo Gujor Protection Amulet
Nagpo Gujor Protection Amulet

Nagpo Gujor Protection Amulet

Nagpo Gujor – also known as Rimsung Rilbu – is a traditional Tibetan medicinal amulet for protection against infectious diseases. A mixture of Himalayan herbs and minerals harvested and hand picked in the Tibetan & Himalayan highlands. It is made according to ancient traditional recipes and empowered following Tibetan Buddhist principles. Nagpo Gujor is assembled with 9 different ingredients. Our Nagpo Gujor comes from a trusted mempa (Tibetan doctor) in the Boudha area in Kathmandu.

How to use: The amulet should be worn by the touching the skin, as the heat of the body activates the ingredients and its smell. In the morning, and when needed, smell the pill 3x with each nostril. Do not take it out of its fabric wrapping. This amulet is use as a preventive measure and will not heal the diseases that are already manifest or in incubation. Be careful not to ingest this amulet - keep it away from children and pets who might accidentally ingest this amulet that is strictly only for wearing. 

Disclaimer: The statement made here has not been evaluated by the US Food & Drug administration and we are offering this as a part of the rich traditions Tibetans and we make no claims of the medical efficacy of this amulet.