LED Butter Lamp
LED Butter Lamp
LED Butter Lamp

LED Butter Lamp

Beautiful design that resembles a traditional butterlamp, with the convenience of LED rechargeable technology. The flame even moves and flickers, just as a real flame would! A modern way to make a light-offering without having to worry about fire hazards. Perfect for small spaces, indoor shrines and places where you are not allowed to have an open flame, such as an office or hotel room, making this a convenient offering for travel. Each charge can last for 5-7 days of continuous use!

In recent years, electric butterlamps have become increasingly more popular among Tibetans, since they are environmentally-friendly and fire-safe. There is even a electric butterlamp offering prayer composed by a Tibetan Lama, you can find it here on Lotsawa House.

Comes in three different options.

  • Solid poly stone (resin) 
  • Antique copper & silver look, small
    • 5" tall
  • Antique copper & silver look, large
    • 6.5" tall
  • Silver & gold look, large
    • 6.5" tall
  • No batteries needed
  • Comes with a power cord with a plug that fits into regular North American powersocket (120V)