Juniper & Pallu Sang-Powder Incense
Juniper & Pallu Sang-Powder Incense

Juniper & Pallu Sang-Powder Incense

Juniper (shukpa) & dwarfed rhododendron (pallu) are most desired for sang-offerings. Their qualities are praised in many terma-texts - they cleanse one's space, please the deities, remove spiritual pollution (drip) & clear negative energies. Our shukpa & pallu come from the Himalayan region: from valleys and mountains that for generations have been home to many great yogis and siddhas. They are thus imbued with the effects of the practice, dedication & blessings of these great beings.

Each bag is 3.5 ounce or 100 grams. They are so fragrant that a pinch or two is all you need if you are using this sang-powder indoors.

For detailed explanation of Sang practice here are some useful links: