Vajracheddika Diamond Sutra & Longevity Dharani Amitayus Sutra
Vajracheddika Diamond Sutra & Longevity Dharani Amitayus Sutra
Vajracheddika Diamond Sutra & Longevity Dharani Amitayus Sutra

Vajracheddika Diamond Sutra & Longevity Dharani Amitayus Sutra

In setting up a shrine in the Tibetan tradition, it is often said that we should have representations of the awakened body, speech and mind of the buddhas. Statues and paintings are representations of awakened body, stupas are awakened mind and sutras (words of the Buddha) are awakened speech. Sutra texts are often wrapped in cloth or brocade and placed on the shrine as an object of reverence - it’s the awakened speech of the Buddhas, it’s the Dharma that frees us from suffering and confusion when we apply them.

The Golden Light Sutra or Suvarṇaprabhāsa Sūtra सुवर्णप्रभासोत्तमसूत्रेन्द्रराज is an important sutra in Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions. It is often recommended for averting obstacles, for healing and protection, for purifying the environment and ultimately the enlightenment of all beings. According to Lama Zopa Rinpoche: “This “King of Glorious Sutras”, contains everything needed, from daily happiness to complete enlightenment. It contains a heart-rending practice of confession and rejoicing, profound teachings on dependent arising, reliable assurances of protection, guidelines for ideal government, and awe-inspiring stories of the Buddha’s previous lives, in which the Buddha shows how, even before he had completely eliminated the delusions, he liberated countless beings from the ocean of suffering through compassion and personal courage.”

  • 7" x 2" x  1”
  • in traditional dark-blue paper with golden ink



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