Nairatmya 18" x 24"
Nairatmya 18" x 24"
Nairatmya 18" x 24"

Nairatmya 18" x 24"

  • original, hand-painted
  • painted area 18" x 24", entire thangka 30" x 52"
  • traditional brocade border
Nairatmya (Tib. Dakmema, "Not Self") is one of the main female buddhas in vajrayana. Her practice is found in the Hevajra cycle of tantras and she is also the consort of Hevajra. Nairatmya's practice is said to have the advantage of combining both simplicity (relative to the more complex practice of Hevajra) and efficacy - it is often said that practicing Nairatmya during our "degenerate age" can bring about realization swifter.