Vishvagandha - Uplifting & Energizing
Vishvagandha - Uplifting & Energizing
Vishvagandha - Uplifting & Energizing
Vishvagandha - Uplifting & Energizing

Vishvagandha - Uplifting & Energizing

    Vishvagandha (“All-Pervading Scent”) is our own in-house blend of powdered incense that can be used for sang-offering or just enjoyed for its energizing and uplifting qualities. It is a special blend that uses dwarfed rhododendron from the sacred mountain of Lapchi in Nepal (a sacred site related to the tantric deity Chakrasamvara and the Tibetan mystic Milarepa) as its main ingredient balanced with medicinal herbs and spices such as angelica sinensis, cloves and benzoin. There is also a hint of agarwood - a prized medicinal wood in Tibetan medicine for calming nerves and grounding unruly energy. 

    We include a small brass incense mold for you to make cones of incense out of the mix that you can light easily with a match or lighter. 3 oz.


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review

    Good scent but I prefer the cleansing house blend that Tibetan spirit offers more.