Chakrasamvara 15” x 20”
- original, hand-painted
- painted area 15" x 20", entire thangka 30" x 46"
- traditional brocade border
Chakrasamvara (Tib. Khorlo Demchok) is one of the major deities of the highest yoga tantra class of vajrayana practice. He can appear in several dozen different forms, and in Tibet there are more than fifty different traditions of these forms. These different forms are the result of different lineages of transmission emphasizing different aspects of this important deity - aspects that are more suited for particular beings with particular propensities and karmic connections.
In this thangka, Chakrasamvara - also known as Heruka - is depicted with four faces symbolizing the four exalted-activities of pacifying, enriching, magnetizing and destroying. His 12 arms holding various ritual implements represent the twelve links of dependent-origination as well as the twelve powers of buddhas. Chakramsamvara is here in blissful union with his consort, Vajravarahi and above them are White Tara and Shakyamuni Buddha.