
"A Stream of Blessings" A Daily Recitation for the Fifteen Nairātmyā Goddesses

This daily recitation for the Fifteen Nairātmyā Goddesses was composed by His Holiness Drikung Kyabgön Tinlé Lhundup Rinpoché as part of a broader effort to revitalize the practice of Hevajra Tantra within the Kagyü Lineaage. Hevajra Tantra was the main practice and forte of Marpa Chökyi Lodrö (1012-1097) who brought the Kagyü transmission from India to Tibet and his Hevajra tradition was chiefly held by Ngok Chöku Dorjé, a senior contemporary of Milarepa and the main successor to the entire corpus of Marpa's tantric teachings and practices.  

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